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Manage notifications

This page provides guidance on how to manage notifications for Airbyte, allowing you to stay up-to-date on the activities in your workspace.

Notification Event Types

Type of NotificationDescription
Failed SyncsA sync from any of your connections fails. Note that if sync runs frequently or if there are many syncs in the workspace these types of events can be noisy
Successful SyncsA sync from any of your connections succeeds. Note that if sync runs frequently or if there are many syncs in the workspace these types of events can be noisy
Automated Connection UpdatesA connection is updated automatically (ex. a source schema is automatically updated)
Connection Updates Requiring ActionA connection update requires you to take action (ex. a breaking schema change is detected)
Warning - Repeated FailuresA connection will be disabled soon due to repeated failures. It has failed 50 times consecutively or there were only failed jobs in the past 7 days
Sync Disabled - Repeated FailuresA connection was automatically disabled due to repeated failures. It will be disabled when it has failed 100 times consecutively or has been failing for 14 days in a row
Warning - Upgrade Required (Cloud only)A new connector version is available and requires manual upgrade
Sync Disabled - Upgrade Required (Cloud only)One or more connections were automatically disabled due to a connector upgrade deadline passing

Configure Email Notification Settings

Airbyte Cloud only
The following documentation only applies to Airbyte Cloud. You can try Airbyte Cloud for free with our 14-day trial.

To set up email notifications:

  1. In the Airbyte UI, click Settings and navigate to Notifications.

  2. Toggle which messages you'd like to receive from Airbyte. All email notifications will be sent by default to the creator of the workspace. To change the recipient, edit and save the notification email recipient. If you would like to send email notifications to more than one recipient, you can enter an email distribution list (ie Google Group) as the recipient.

  3. Click Save changes.


All email notifications except for Successful Syncs are enabled by default.

Configure Slack Notification settings

To set up Slack notifications:

If you're more of a visual learner, just head over to this video to learn how to do this. You can also refer to the Slack documentation on how to create an incoming webhook for Slack.

Create a Slack app

  1. Create a Slack App: Navigate to Select Create an App.

  1. Select From Scratch. Enter your App Name (e.g. Airbyte Sync Notifications) and pick your desired Slack workspace.

  2. Set up the webhook URL.: in the left sidebar, click on Incoming Webhooks. Click the slider button in the top right to turn the feature on. Then click Add New Webhook to Workspace.

  1. Pick the channel that you want to receive Airbyte notifications in (ideally a dedicated one), and click Allow to give it permissions to access the channel. You should see the bot show up in the selected channel now. You will see an active webhook right above the Add New Webhook to Workspace button.

  1. Click Copy. to copy the link to your clipboard, which you will need to enter into Airbyte.

Your Webhook URL should look something like this:

Enable the Slack notification in Airbyte

  1. In the Airbyte UI, click Settings and navigate to Notifications.

  2. Paste the copied webhook URL to Webhook URL. Using a Slack webook is recommended. On this page, you can toggle each slider decide whether you want notifications on each notification type.

  3. Test it out.: you can click Test to send a test message to the channel. Or, just run a sync now and try it out! If all goes well, you should receive a notification in your selected channel that looks like this:

You're done!

  1. Click Save changes.

Enable schema update notifications

To be notified of any source schema changes:

  1. Make sure you have enabled Automatic Connection Updates and Connection Updates Requiring Action notifications. If these are off, even if you turned on schema update notifications in a connection's settings, Airbyte will NOT send out any notifications related to these types of events.

  2. In the Airbyte UI, click Connections and select the connection you want to receive notifications for.

  3. Click the Settings tab on the Connection page.

  4. Toggle Schema update notifications.